Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Admissions Outreach at USAFA

A longtime Catholic community leader based in Arizona and New Mexico, Father Thomas Maikowski serves as an admissions liaison officer with the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA). In this capacity, Father Thomas Maikowski oversees recruiting efforts and conducts academy applicant interviews for high school students in the northwest New Mexico region. Every year, the USAFA and its representatives conduct outreach events in locations throughout the United States, designed to inform prospective students about the benefits of joining the Academy.

Through its admissions outreach programs, the USAFA attempts to increase its applicant pool to include students with diverse personal life experiences, socioeconomic and geographic backgrounds, physical abilities, cultural knowledge, and more. The USAFA also relies on its Diversity Visitation Program (DVP) to sponsor visits from especially diverse candidates. Participants in the DVP pair up with current cadets and have the opportunity to immerse themselves in campus life for three full days.